Saturday, October 24, 2009

Lipostabil - Germany

Benefits :
-Fatty acids are transported more into cells for burning.
-Cholesterol can be controlled by lowering LDL and increasing HDL.
-The risk of heart arteriosclerosis can be minimized.
-Helps to be built more muscle by burning fat in mitochondria.

Modes of Reaction:

Phosphatidylcholine has the ability to alter the cholesterol and other fatty acids. It increases the solubility of fat and its deposits. This phosphatidylcholine penetrates skin layer and emulsifies the fat underneath, making them more soluble to water.


5 X 250mg/5ml of Phosphotidylcholine

1 ampoul 2-3 days. Each ampoule is divided into few portions(0.5-1.0cc) on several problematic areas.

Subcutaneous (SC)

Side Effect:

Patients with liver or kidney ailments are not supposed to take this product.


The only large trial that we could find was the study mentioned above involving 213 patients, published in the Journal of Drugs and Dermatology in October 2003.

Volunteers received phosphatidylcholine injections in several different areas of localized fat deposits, (thighs, hips, abdomen, flanks and/or the chin region of the face). The patients were submitted to 1 to 5 treatment sessions with an average interval of 15 days between each session. At each treatment session, digital photographs were taken of the patient's front view, back view, and profile, according to the area to be treated. In some patients the thickness of the fatty pad was measured with a specific ruler. Various laboratory tests were also carried out on the volunteers during the treatment with phosphatidylcholine.

Clinical results showed that phosphatidylcholine was effective in reducing the fatty pads in the treated areas, with few side effects. From the authors' point of view, they stated that the off-label use of phosphatidylcholine in the treatment of fatty pads and small areas of localized fat is safe, low cost, and effective. They also stated that, as with any other medications, it needs wide investigation for new treatment uses and long-term studies, so that the recommended dose and safe application technique can be standardized.

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